Атака з космосу
30 квітня - 7 травня 2009
Спостереження, які проводила над Антарк¬тикою міжнародна група вчених, мали несподівані наслідки: науковці вия¬вили, що Землю бомбар¬дують із космосу над¬звичайно потужні час¬тинки — електрони.
"Це можна порівняти з тим, як на звичайній автотрасі раптом з'яв¬ляються кільканадцять болідів "Формули-1", — зазначив профе¬сор Джон Вефел з Університету Луїзіани (США). — Це означає
лише одне: поряд із Землею є невідомий об'єкт, який опромінює нашу планету електронами надви¬соких енергій".
"Під час гальмування таких електронів у земній атмосфері може виділятися іонізувальне випромінення, — сказав у комен¬тарі для "Експресу" співробітник Інституту фізики НАН академік Петро Фомін. — Якщо джерело космічного випромінення є доста¬тньо потужним, воно здатне досить відчутно вплинути на загальний природний фон, а отже, на здоро¬в'я людей".
До міжнародної групи вчених, що зробила відкриття, входили науковці зі США, Німеччини, Ки¬таю та Росії. Аби зафіксувати потік елементарних частинок, вони запустили над Антарктидою спеціальний аеростат із високо¬чутливим обладнанням.
А незабаром на орбіті запрацює американський орбітальний гам¬ма-телескоп "Фермі", завдяки якому вчені сподіваються визна¬чити точніше місцезнаходження таємничого "темного об'єкта".
Бідні штати Америки
травень 2009
46 із 50 американських штатів перебувають на межі банкрутства.
До 2010 року країна може опи¬нитись у доволі скрутному ста¬новищі, вважають експерти аме¬риканського дослідницького центру "Center on Budget and Policy Priorities". Уже нині поло¬вині зі штатів довелось скороти¬ти свої витрати, та це все одно не врятувало їх від величезних
Загальний дефіцит місцевих бюджетів сягнув 51 мільярда до¬ларів. Це 10 відсотків ВВП краї¬ни. Економісти додають до цього ще й скорочення надходжень до місцевих бюджетів, зниження економічної активності регіонів тощо. Одне слово, за підсумками 2010 року їм бракуватиме суми, еквівалентної 15 відсоткам ВВП.
Проблеми 46 штатів відчу¬ватимуть ще принаймні два роки.
Найгірша ситуація в Каліфорнії. Там поганих новин очікують уже з дня на день. Вберегтись від кри¬зи вдалось лише чотирьом бага¬тим на корисні копалини штатам: Нью-Мексико, Аляска, Монтана, Юта. Вони на хвилі високих цін на нафту зуміли певний час три¬матись на плаву. Однак ринок чорного золота сьогодні також доволі непевна опора....
На нас падає Меркурій
14 — 21 ТРАВНЯ 2009 РОКУ
■ Сонячна система перестала бути стабільною, і це може призвести... до війни планет
Землі загрожує не лише зіткнення з метеоритом, а навіть з іншими планетами, як-от Меркурій.
Таке може статися, бо ця планета пере¬буває під сильною дією Юпітера.
Учені з Паризької обсерваторії заяви¬ли, що Сонячна система є нестабільною. У перспективі гравітаційне поле Юпітера може вплинути на долю всіх планет. Уже зараз через його вплив траєкторія Мер¬курія змінилась — вона тепер не має фор¬ми кола, а перетворилась на еліпс. А сама планета є далі від Сонця, аніж тисячі літ тому. Колись же Меркурій перетне орбіту Венсри та почнеться війна планет...
Меркурій може впасти і на Сонце, ви¬летіти з нашої системи, зіткнутися з Ве¬нерою або навіть зі Землею. 65 мільйонів років тому подібне вже пережила наша планета. Тоді на Землю впав Юкатансь-кий метеорит...
Але французькі вчені заспокоюють: та¬кий розвиток подій можливий лише через кілька десятків мільйонів літ.
— Так, упродовж перших 500 мільйонів років існування Сонячної системи відбу¬вались такі зіткнення, — коментує Ана¬толій Відьмаченко, завідувач відділу фізики тіл Сонячної системи Головної ас¬трономічної обсерваторії НАНУ. — Спер¬шу існувала газопилова туманність, потім у її середині утворилось Сонце. Опісля в космосі постійно утворювались пилинки, що з часом ніби злипалися і в такий спосіб утворювали великі конгломерати діа¬метром у сотні кілометрів. За розміром вони могли нагадувати теперішні супут¬ники тіл Сонячної системи. Нараховува¬лось їх тоді кілька сотень мільйонів.
Вони теж зіштовхувались, тож утвори¬лися такі великі тіла, як Земля, Юпітер, Сатурн й інші. Після цього великі тіла ніколи не зіштовхувалися. Тільки раз на кілька мільйонів літ із космосу можуть "закидатись" астероїди.
Так, нині найбільшими тілами в Со¬нячній системі є Юпітер і Сонце. Вони впливають на все, шо відбувається в ме¬жах системи. Але при цьому не слід забу¬вати, що за планетами людство спо¬стерігає не одну сотню років. Так-от: досі не були відомі факти, які б свідчили про серйозні зміни орбіт. Тому більшість уче¬них одностайні в думці, що Сонячна сис¬тема є стабільною. Орбіти планет сильно не змінюються. Можливі лише коротко¬часні зміни впродовж кількох днів.
— Тобто ніяка сила не може змусити Мер¬курій кардинально змінити свій рух?
— Орбіта Меркурія справді мас форму еліпса. Тому впродовж меркуріанського року настають моменти, коли планета пе¬ребуває на найбільшій відстані від світила. А буває навпаки. Однак це було відомо вже давно, адже за Меркурієм люди спос¬терігають телескопічно впродовж 300 років.
Якщо говорити про вплив гравітацій¬ного поля Юпітера, то ближче до нього є Марс, Земля і Венера. Тож найперше мали б відчути вплив саме ці планети. Але на¬разі ніщо не віщує біди. Є ще одні розра¬хунки, які свідчать не на підтвердження теорії французьких учених.
— Які саме?
— Відомо, що кожне тіло обертається в певному резонансі в Сонячній системі. Вивести його з цього резонансу дуже важ¬ко. Науковці підрахували: для того, аби змінити траєкторію одного тіла (в дано¬му випадку Меркурія), треба, аби воно зіткнулося з іншим. Але якщо "нападник" матиме лише 50% маси Меркурія, той усе одно повернеться до своєї траєкторії. Тоб¬то потрібно не менш як 70% маси. А на¬разі передумов для зустрічі Меркурія з таким космічним велетнем не спосте¬рігається.
Хмари світяться!
травень 2009
Із середини травня в нічному небі можна спостерігати загадкове явище
Це сезон таємничого і дуже гарного атмосферного явища. На небі з'являться сріблясті хмари, або, як ще їх називають, "нічні хмари, що світяться".
Любителі астрономії в такі дні не відходять від телескопів. А наука й досі не має єдиної відповіді на запитання, звідки ж ці хмари виникають?
— Це одне з найбільш мальовничих явищ природи. Порівняйте самі — зви¬чайні хмари поширюються на висоті до 10 кілометрів над поверхнею Землі. А сріблясті утворюються на висоті від 75 до 90 кілометрів, — розповідає Олек¬сандр Камін, завідувач секції фізики космосу Малої академії наук. — Вони виблискують сріблястими чи блакитно-білими барвами, тому завжди привер¬тають увагу людей.
Час від часу виникають нові версії їх виникнення. Скажімо, раніше вчені вважали, що сріблясті хмари утворю¬ються внаслідок виверження вулканів. Уперше їх описали 1885-го — через два
роки після виверження вулкана Кра¬катау. Тоді в атмосферу потрапила ве¬личезна кількість попелу. Тому деякі вчені вважають, що саме це й сприя¬ло виникненню сріблястих хмар.
Також була версія, що йдеться лише про оптичний ефект — такі собі не¬бесні міражі. Активніше сріблясті хмари почали вивчати, коли з'явила¬ся можливість запускати ракети. Те¬пер прийнято вважати, що ці хмари складаються з дрібних часток, які вкриті льодяним шаром. Але до кінця розгадати це явище ще не вдалось.
- А побачити їх можна лише в пев¬ний період?
— Вони існують майже весь час. Але побачити їх можна тільки на¬прикінці весни й упродовж літа, якщо йдеться про Північну півкулю. У Південній же півкулі це явище можна спостерігати в грудні — січні. Сріб¬лясті хмари є особливими не лише через свій колір та висоту поширення. Вони є вкрай розрідженими, їх оптич¬на щільність надзвичайно низька, че¬рез що крізь сріблясті хмари можна
навіть бачити зорі.
Але самі ці хмари можна побачити тільки певної години доби. Йдеться про сутінки — коли сонце вже зайшло за лінію горизонту. Хмари тоді так високо, що в цей час сонячні промені їх під¬свічують. Хоча низькі шари атмосфери вже в тіні.
- А яке практичне застосування до¬сліджень цього явища?
— Існують десятки типів форм цих хмар: смуги, хвилеподібні згини, гре¬бені. Зважаючи на це, можна дійти ви-
сновку, що ці форми утворюються за¬лежно від певних явищ. На такій висоті швидкість вітру сягає 100 — 300 метрів за секунду. А отже, саме сріблясті хма¬ри несуть інформацію про повітряні течи у верхніх шарах атмосфери, які впли¬вають на формування погоди. Хмари фотографують, а тоді ана¬лізують. Завдяки цьому можна робити довготривалі погодні прогнози. Тому це явище є найбільш цікавим для гео¬фізиків і метеорологів.
Учені з Каліфорнійського технологічного інституту знайшли пояснення незвичайним властивостям сріблястих хмар. Уже відомо, що ці хмари добре відображають сигнал радара. Цією "здатністю" вони "зобов'язані" атомам натрію і заліза, які потрапляють в атмосферу з метеоритів. Іони металів затримуються над Землею саме там, де формуються сріблясті хмари.
Глобальне потепління — міф
травень 2009
Потепління чи похолодання на планеті спричиняє не діяльність людини, а процеси на поверхні Сонця
Днями група експертів зі США в Міжнародному журналі з клімато¬логії заявила, що глобальне потеплін¬ня внаслідок впливу парникових газів — міф. Насправді це явище — частина природного циклу кліматичних змін на планеті.
Та одним із перших про це заявив деся¬тки літ тому Олег Сорохтін, академік РАН, відомий у світі океано¬лог. До цього вченого із запитаннями і звернувся "Експрес".
— Олегу Георгійовичу, невже сумнозвісні парни¬кові гази — не таке вже ве¬лике зло для нашої плане¬ти?
— За різними даними, унаслідок спалювання природного палива в ат¬мосферу надходить бли¬зько 5 — 7 мільярдів тонн вуглекислого газу. Це справді колосальна кіль¬кість, яка впливає на склад газової суміші ат¬мосфери і збільшує її за¬гальний тиск. Але обидва ці фактори діютьупроти-лежних на¬прямках, у результаті чого середня температура земної по¬верхні май¬же не зміню¬ється.
Вона май¬же не зміни¬ться, навіть якщо кон¬центрація вуглецю збіль¬шиться удвічі, чого очі¬кують 2100 року. Я кщо ж врахувати, що більша ча¬стина С02, який надхо¬дить в атмосферу, розчи¬няється в океанічних во¬дах, то виявляється, шо внаслідок складних хі¬мічних природних про¬цесів, замість підвищен¬ня атмосферного тиску, слід сподіватися його зменшення, а відповідно — і похолодання.
Існують, до того ж, експериментальні дока¬зи того, що СО, майже не впливає на клімат. Це, зокрема, доводять дані буріння льодовиків в Ан¬тарктиді та Гренландії (ці льодові брили, як відомо, є свідченням ми¬нулого нашої планети): спочатку завжди зміню¬ється температура, а вже потім — концентрація вуглецю в атмосфері. Відповідно, зміни кон¬центрації С02 є наслід¬ком, а не причиною клі¬матичних змін!
— Як же пояснити те, шо земний клімат стає га¬рячішим?
— Потепління чи по¬холодання спричиняє не діяльність людини, а процеси на поверхні Со¬нця.
Потепління за останні три минулі століття (а особливо за XX ст.) по¬в'язане із сонячною пуль¬сацією — коливаннями поверхні Сонця. Ми з вами живемо в часи мак¬симуму такої пульсації. її закінчення означатиме похолодання. Можливо, воно вже й почалося. Приблизно зі середини епохи мезо¬зою (почала¬ся 235 міль¬йонів років тому) на пла¬неті спосте¬рігається по¬ступове похо¬лодання. Це, як дослідже¬но, пов'язано з хімічними процесами видалення азоту з атмос¬фери. Як наслідок, атмо¬сферний тиск поступово спадає, шо і призводить до зниження температу¬ри.
Тож, якщо нашій Зе¬млі й загрожують катас¬трофічні зміни, вони по¬в'язані зовсім не з глоба¬льним потеплінням уна¬слідок накопичення ват¬мосфері антропогенного С02 та інших парнико¬вих газів. Це — міф.
Melting ice could cause gravity shift
May 16, 2009
The Independent
The melting of one of the world's largest ice sheets would alter the Earth's field of gravity and even its rotation in space so much that it would cause sea levels along some coasts to rise faster than the global average, scientists said yesterday.
The rise in sea levels would be highest on the west and east coasts of North America where increases of 25 per cent more than the global average would cause catastrophic flooding in cities such as New York, Washington DC and San Francisco.
A study into how the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could respond to global warming has found its disintegration would change the focus of the planet's gravitational field, so sea levels would rise disproportionately more around North America than in other parts of the world. If the ice sheet covering West Antarctica disappears, the loss of so much mass from the southern hemisphere would effectively make the pull of gravity stronger in the northern hemisphere, affecting the spin of the Earth and causing sea levels to rise higher here than in the south, where the mass of ice is currently located.
However, the scientists also estimated that the global average sea level would not rise as much as previously expected due to the ice sheet melting into the oceans.
This is because parts of the ice sheet are more stable than previously thought, and so would probably not slip into the sea even in a warmer world caused by man-made emissions of greenhouse gases, they found.
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet – one of the three great ice sheets of the world – is often referred to as the "sleeping giant" because it is believed to be inherently unstable, given much of its base rests on rock that is below sea level. This is thought to make it vulnerable to melting and relatively rapid disintegration, said Professor Jonathan Bamber of Bristol University.
"Unlike the world's other major ice sheets – the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and the Greenland – the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is the only one with such an unstable configuration," Professor Bamber said.
"There's a vast body of research that's looked at the likelihood of an ice sheet collapse and what implications such a catastrophic event would have for the globe. But all of these studies have assumed a five- or six-metre [16ft to 20ft] contribution to sea level rise. Our calculations show those estimates are much too large, even on a 1,000-year timescale," he said.
A better approximation, according to a study published in the journal Science, is that the ice sheet would contribute about 11 feet (3.3 metres) to the global average sea level.
However, it is not known how fast the ice sheet might disappear if global temperatures continue to rise, although many scientists believe this would take at least 500 or even 1,000 years.
"The pattern of sea level rise is independent of how fast or how much of the ice sheet collapses. Even if it contributed only a metre of sea level rise over many years, sea levels along North America's shorelines would still increase 25 per cent more than the global average," said Professor Bamber.
With less mass at the South Pole, and more water in the oceans, the Earth's gravity field would weaken in the southern hemisphere and strengthen in the northern hemisphere, causing water to pile up in the northern oceans, Professor Bamber said.
This redistribution of mass would also affect the Earth's rotation, which in turn would cause water to build up along the North American continent and in the Indian Ocean, Professor Bamber added.
Why the sea isn't as flat as you think
* Sea levels around the world vary widely on a daily basis because of tides caused by the gravitational influence of the Moon. They also vary from one region to another because of the variations in the Earth's field of gravity, and the spin of the planet of its axis of rotation.
* Global average sea levels can vary over time because of the thermal expansion of the sea caused by global warming, as well as the effect of rising sea levels caused by melting ice sheets and glaciers. Local sea levels can also be affected by land sinking or rising. Land sinking is partly responsible for causing sea levels in the south east of England to rise.
What's Wrong With Our Sun?
May 27, 2009
Discovery Channel
The sun is being really boring. Nearly 18 months after the "official" start of Solar Cycle 24, observers are looking closely at the ball of hot plasma in the sky asking, "What is wrong with the sun?"
To be honest, we don't know if there's something wrong or not; it depends on what your opinion of "wrong" is.
On the one hand, the sun is enduring the deepest solar minimum for a century, perplexing solar physicists, leading to some suggestions the sun may continue its blank stare for some time to come.
As sunspot number is astonishingly low, this means internal magnetic activity must also be low. For some reason, the usual cycle of 11 years from peak to trough -- from solar maximum to solar minimum -- has been interrupted. The fireworks we experienced in 2003 could be a thing of the past and we might be looking at another Maunder Minimum (an extended period of time from 1645 to 1715 when few sunspots were seen by astronomers).
As magnetic activity is low, this also means there has been a drop in solar energy output. There has been a 0.02 percent decrease in optical light and a 6 percent drop in ultraviolet light if we compare this solar minimum with the last one, 12 years ago. Although we're not going to freeze any time soon, the suns reduction in output could have consequences for our climate. But no, it won't save us from carbon-induced global warming, that problem is here to stay.
Not so boring
Although there is a possibility this solar minimum may continue, it is just as likely the sun is just being lazy, waiting to surprise us with a stealthy explosion of magnetic fury.
The sun could erupt with a rash of sunspots as the internal magnetic field becomes so stressed it rises through the solar photosphere, tearing apart the uppermost layers of hot plasma, creating dark patches of sunspot swarms. If this is the case, we can expect violent knots of magnetism to funnel multi-million degree plasma from the inner sun, high into the corona (the sun's atmosphere), creating arcades of bright coronal loops.
When this happens, the scene is set for the biggest explosions in our Solar System: flares and coronal mass ejections -- both of which can be very bad for planet Earth.
As global society becomes more advanced, we depend more and more on communications satellites. If we end up staring down the barrel of a solar flare, we could be hit by a CME bubble, sandblasting our atmosphere with solar ions. The delicate circuits onboard critical global positioning satellites (GPS) could be rendered useless, and the upper atmosphere may expand as it is heated, increasing the drag on orbiting satellites, causing them to crash and burn.
Even though sun-Earth interactions can be pretty (generating huge light shows known as aurorae at high latitudes), solar storms are generally very bad news for technology (and for humans) in space.
Global damage
Even on the ground we may not be safe. A vast amount of energy is dumped into our atmosphere, possibly overloading our national electrical grids. This could be very costly. Add the chaos of the loss of satellites and we could be looking at a huge mess and an even larger clean-up bill.
According to a recent estimate by an NOAA scientist, the next solar storm could inflict $2 trillion-worth of damage. Also, such a huge blast from the sun could take the world 10 years to recover... just in time for the next solar maximum to smack us again!
But wait a minute, why are we freaking out about being battered and bruised by the sun when it's currently acting like the perfect neighbor? It's being quiet, unassuming and shy; few sunspots, little solar activity and certainly no Earth-shattering solar flares. Why are we suddenly getting so worried?
Solar mysteries
The sun, in many ways, is still a mystery. As national infrastructures are becoming more susceptible to space weather, we get concerned for our growing fleet of critical satellites and huge electrical grids. The last thing we need is a sun with an unpredictable temper. If the sun gets angry, flinging CMEs in our direction, our current economic woes will be a cakewalk in comparison.
Although the sun has a periodic and predictable cycle, it still holds many surprises. For all we know it could continue to be "boring", sending solar astronomers asleep at their 'scopes for years to come. On the other hand, a rash of sunspots could appear very soon, revealing that we are in for a very rough ride.
However, if I had to place a bet, I would say there are better odds of a mediocre solar maximum. I doubt we'll be cooked or frozen by the sun; we just have to wait and see, without getting all dramatic.
The views expressed are the author's alone and do not represent the official position of the Discovery Channel.
Swine Flu Fizzle
As predicted by the Zetas, the swine flu epidemic emerging from Mexico did not result in a pandemic, although the World Health Organization moved the threat to level 5, one level below the pandemic level.
ZetaTalk Prediction 4/25/2009: Who benefits from this engineered outbreak, which will not become a pandemic despite the hype. Note that where vacines are not available, two flu drugs - Tamiflu and Relenza, are reportedly effective.
Although the deaths in Mexico approached the 5% afflicted mark that pandemics such as the 1918 bird flu pandemic incurred, this percentage did not hold for the spread to countries other than Mexico. In other countries, the swine flu seemed mild, and no deaths other than a toddler from Mexico City visiting the US occurred outside of Mexico. Swine flu in Mexico also seemed to have become mild.
What the New Swine Fu Might Do
May 1, 2009
Field investigators at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it appears the new H1N1 virus outbreak may be more widespread and milder in Mexico than it first appeared. So far the swine flu virus has behaved like seasonal flu as it has spread to 14 countries, carried mostly by travelers from Mexico. The World Health Organization says it cannot be stopped, but has no immediate plans to declare a pandemic - a global outbreak of a new and serious disease.
Per the Zetas, this is because the bio-engineered virus that the makers hoped would become a pandemic was not done with the skill required, so the stronger virus in the mix was not passed person-to-person but rather was killed by the immune systems of those first infected. The virus passed on, person-to-person, was a milder cousin, and is no worse than the flus that ravage the Earth seasonally each year.
ZetaTalk Explanation 5/2/2009: It is very obvious that outside of Mexico, this flu outbreak is not fatal. In fact, it is described as being a very mild flu. Even the toddler who died within the US was Mexican, came from Mexico City on a visit, and has been described as being in poor health even before the infection. Why the difference between infections in Mexico and elsewhere? Cloning activities do not always succeed, due to man's clumsy steps and lack of knowledge. This bio-engineered virus was sliced and slammed together. Flu virus is notorious for mutating, and this one has, in a reverse direction, becoming less lethal as it passed from one to another. All deaths in Mexico have been as a result of being infected directly by the virus from a test tube, including the Mexican toddler who died in Texas. Those who were directly exposed but did not die passed the virus on, but in a modified state. Second hand infections were the passing of modified virus which survived the immune systems of these individuals, and this virus was only one of many in the original mix. What we are telling you is that the strong virus, the one capable of killing people, inciting a 1918 type of response, did not survive in the human body, and thus was not passed. What passed was a second cousin in the mix, which was mild.
Outside of Mexico, the deathrate from this mild flu is 2/10 of 1%, .002, less than the death rate from annual flu outbreaks. Even within Mexico the flu seems to have become mild, so the death rate has moved from the original 5% of those afflicted to 3%, and falling. Mexico has eased its restrictions and life is returning to normal there. A second death within the US has occurred, this one involving a woman with chronic health problems as was the Mexican toddler who was visiting the US from Mexico City.
2nd Swine Flu Death in Texas; Mexico Set to Reopen
May 5, 2009
Mexico emerged from its swine flu isolation as thousands of newspaper vendors, salesmen hawking trinkets and even panhandlers dropped their protective masks and joined the familiar din of traffic horns and blaring music on the streets of the capital. There were still signs, however, of the virus that set off world health alarms. A Texas woman who lived near a popular border crossing was confirmed as the second outside Mexico and the first U.S. resident to die after contracting the virus. Mexico's Health Department later announced three more confirmed deaths, raising the country's total to 29. The Texas woman, the second confirmed person to die with swine flu in the U.S., lived not far from the Mexico border and had chronic medical conditions, as did the Mexico City toddler who died of swine flu last week during a visit to Houston, Texas. With 942 people sickened in Mexico at last count, public celebrations of Cinco de Mayo were banned. Swine flu has now sickened more than 1,700 people in 21 countries, including more than 600 in the United States.
GPS Failure
A decade ago, the Zetas predicted that satellites would fail, consistently, prior to the pole shift.
ZetaTalk Prediction 10/15/2001: We have predicted that in the year prior to the shift that satellites will fail, consistently.
This statement was much ridiculed, as is all of ZetaTalk, by the professional debunkers assigned to ZetaTalk, but satellite failure was being noticed by the public.
Question: I work in construction and the surveyors find the elevation for our pipes. But they drastically change daily and we keep having to change them. Is this an effect of Planet X?
ZetaTalk Explanation 2/28/2009: It is an effect of the wobble, affecting the position of the GPS satellites. Elevation is determined by GPS satellite networks, which are supposed to operate as though geostationary. When the distance to a spot on the Earth changes due to the wobble, increasing in distance for instance, the network assumes a lower elevation. Distance is determined by the GPS equipment based on the time it takes for a signal to travel to and from one of the satellites in the network.
As satellites failure began to be a problem the Zetas had detailed the reasons Planet X and its charged tail cause failure.
ZetaTalk Explanation 3/3/2007: We have predicted satellite interruption, failure, at some point during the approach of the pole shift, no date given. The reason for failure is electro-magnetic pulse, increased meteor and dust that erodes mechanical operation, and the Earth wobble. It has been known for years that technicians have had to tweak equipment to keep their sats in line of sight, and failure is now increasingly occurring for that reason.
During the Earth wobble, the N Pole of Earth takes a daily figure 8 turn, so the Earth moves under its atmosphere to some degree. However, per the Zetas, the atmosphere also drags along with the Earth, so this is not a complete disruption of Earth to satellite communications.
ZetaTalk Explanation 5/5/2007: Man assume his atmosphere extends for only a few miles, but air drifts off for a much longer way. Now take a satellite, which is claimed in the charts to be 'above the atmosphere'. It's in a thin soup, but it's in a soup, and this soup is clinging to Earth! It move with the soup it came from, as matter attracts and clings as well as repels, thus the constant dance. Satellites move with the Earth when it wobbles as the air is dragged along, as it clings to itself too, as well as clinging to the Earth. What is the competition for this? Outer space? There is no pull or clinging coming from that direction. It's a one-way hug! Earth and the soup of the heavier atmosphere wins! The satellites go along!
GPS satellites form a network, a spider web of satellites that communicate with each other in order to maintain surveillance of every part of the globe at all times.
Global Positioning System
The space segment consists of satellites, 24 in all: 21 navigational SVs and 3 active spares orbit at 11,000 nautical miles above the Earth. The time is very important because the receiver must determine exactly how long it takes for signal to travel from each GPS satellite.
When this network receives a request for a location, it does so based on the amount of time it takes for the request to reach at least three satellites in the web, via triangulation.
Global Positioning System
A GPS receiver calculates its position by precisely timing the signals sent by the GPS satellites high above the Earth. Each satellite continually transmits messages containing the time the message was sent, precise orbital information (the ephemeris), and the general system health and rough orbits of all GPS satellites (the almanac). The receiver measures the transit time of each message and computes the distance to each satellite. Geometric trilateration is used to combine these distances with the location of the satellites to determine the receiver's location.
Since the GPS satellites make assumptions on their location based on the assumption that the globe will be turning under it, rotating, at a regular pace and not have a wobble, the Earth wobble obviously will at some point start to interfere with the GPS system. Since the presence of Planet X is being denied, at present, what to do? Can't admit there is an Earth wobble, even though this is apparent to anyone taking careful measure of where their sun rises and sets, as then the conversation would turn to what might be causing the wobble. In the meantime, blame the US Air Force.
GPS System Could Fail Next Year, Report Warns
May 20, 2009
Mismanagement and underinvestment by the U.S. Air Force could possibly lead to the failure and blackout of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The risk of failure starts in 2010, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. The failure would impact not only military operations, but also the millions of people and businesses who rely on the satellite-based navigation systems built into cars, boats and cell phones. The report says the Air Force has struggled to build successful GPS satellites within cost and on schedule.
GPS System 'Close to Breakdown'
May 19, 2009
It has become one of the staples of modern, hi-tech life: using satellite navigation tools built into your car or mobile phone to find your way from A to B. But experts have warned that the system may be close to breakdown. US government officials are concerned that the quality of the Global Positioning System (GPS) could begin to deteriorate as early as next year, resulting in regular blackouts and failures - or even dishing out inaccurate directions to millions of people worldwide. The satellites are overseen by the US Air Force, which has maintained the GPS network since the early 1990s. According to a study by the US government accountability office (GAO), mismanagement and a lack of investment means that some of the crucial GPS satellites could begin to fail as early as next year.
If GPS begins faltering, it will not be due to failure to fund this system, it will be for other reasons, as the Zetas have long warned. They told us this would be happening! Their predictions at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, certainly have the ring of truth today, and include their early prediction that the stock markets would crash.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/15/1995: The months before the cataclysms, satellite failure will be sporadic, but enough to impact technology as it support lifestyles today. Land lines will be reliable, but cell phones will not. This will be most disconcerting to the power brokers among the elite, who will find business floundering, stocks which have fallen almost to the ground unable to be salvaged, and the reliance of the military on communications creating chaos among those expected to protect the elite. These groups will be screeching at each other, making shrill demands where no fix can be made.
Magnetosphere Anomalies
In late January, 2009, when the world was experiencing a spate of fireballs screaming through the atmosphere, the world also experienced magnetic assaults. This was much discussed on the GodlikeProduction message board. A set of frames was captured and compiled into a video, showing one of these assaults. The blast starts at 23:43 and is easing at 23:49, over a total of 7 minutes! The individual who captured the frames and noted the blast was astonished.
I took all the pictures from the site and make a short movie of the blast on the magnetospere. Watch. Very strange. No solarflares are detected by www.solarcycle24.com . What caused this? I copied all the images, 44 of them.
For the past couple years, the Sun has been virtually asleep, a surprise to our human scientists who anticipated a lively season going into the solar maximum. Virtually no sunspots. A quiescent solar wind. This magnetic blast did not come from the Sun. Data provided on the GodlikeProduction message board show that no solar storms had occurred during the 7 day period when this blast occurred.
Wow that is impressive. Something big slammed us. That was huge, been watching a long time and never seen an event like that - so fast, short duration. No images in the archive though. [and from another] For a couple of minutes our shields almost collapsed and hit the deck, and all this without strong solar winds. I mean no Yellow or Red alerts. [and from another] No storms reported at all on this 7 day chart. This is a link to a page that charts a variety of alerts. Today there are no alerts listed. Like it never happened. http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/alerts/warnings_timeline.html
Per the Zetas, the charged tail of Planet X is being increasingly pointed in our direction, and this brings debris causing spates of fireballs and electromagnetic disturbances affecting out satellites and compass alignment. The compass is increasingly deviated, pushing the magnetic N Pole into Siberia. The compass has been frankly unreliable since Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/15/1995: Where some scientists state that the Earth's magnetic field has been weakening lately, this is certainly not the case. They misunderstand. The Earth's magnetic field is not weakening, it is changing course or direction, and thus Scattered does not register on their instruments in the same old way. This is an early indicator of the great confusion that the 12th Planet will have on the Earth, soon, during the pole shift. Another way to describe this dispersing is the scientific term - base resonant frequency. This is just another name for magnetic pull, the strength of the pull the Earth's core has on instruments. Instruments, through electricity coursing through wires, create a magnetic field in a core of iron or some other highly susceptible material. The resulting electromagnetic field can be either aligned with the Earth, or set to cross the Earth's magnetic field, or at any partial angle that the scientists desire. Depending on the strength of the Earth's own magnetic field, the field created by the instruments is thus disrupted or weakened. This weakening disruption, noted by scientists, is just another indication of the dispersal of the Earth's internal magnetic field.
The long running thread on the GodllikeProduction message board continued into May, when another anomaly was captured. This one occurred between 15:00 on May 19, 2009 to 17:00 on May 20, 2009. This capture showed a bowshock, where the Earth's magnetosphere was skewed.
Video contains CCMC Magnetosphere images animated , Real Time Data from SOHO , Stereo A & B
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESeS6oL2yeI
The obvious conclusion, since solar activity continued asleep, was that there was a powerful magnetic field in the vicinity of Earth. Unmistakable evidence of the presence of Planet X!
Once again the bowshock is skewed, what can skew it so much? Seems to be getting worse. The only thing that I know that can affect a magnetic field like that is another magnetic field or electrical current.
Earth is not the only planet to be affected by the magnetic push from Planet X. In 2005 photographic evidence showed that Jupiter had developed a tilt, due to this storm of magnetic particles coming from the N Pole of Planet X.
ZetaTalk Comment 4/7/2005: As these magnetic particles from the N Pole of Planet X hose out into space behind the Earth, they have affected the tilt of Jupiter and Saturn, which lean their top pole, an intake which acts as a conduit for the magnetic particles coming from the Sun also, toward this additional flood of particles from Planet X. Why else the lean in these giant gas planets, and why else toward the direction that these additional particles are coming from? Just as suddenly, there are reports that the Moon has lifted so that it's orbit is to the north of the Earth more than expected. The Moon had been in an extreme orbit too far to the North after a new Moon and too far to the South after a full Moon, but at the present time is found too far North days before the new Moon. What is the Moon escaping in lifting North of the Earth? It seeks to avoid the roiling of particle flows caught in the eddy in front of Planet X, the eddy where the hapless Earth is caught. Magnetic particles hosed into the eddy increase the general crowding, and it has lifted in the only direction is can move, up above the roiling which is still coming from the South.
2012 Warning
Per the Zetas, 2012 is an approved End Times date for the media to focus on, as it is far enough out in the future so that the public will not panic. Per the Zetas, 2012 was not the end of the Mayan Calendar, which actually ends prior to 2012. But 2012 has been approved for discussion because it is too far out to cause panic. For the establishment, panic is the big worry. You can die, and be unprepared. Just don't panic.
The initial approach for discussion of the End Times in the media was to avoid the subject of a passing planet but ascribe a global cataclysms to all other possible causes for worldwide destruction. The first such distraction in early 2007 was the Horizon Project loaded with team members with NASA credentials, who claimed the pending 2012 catastrophes were going to be caused by the Earth aligning with the galactic center. Per the Zetas, the Horizon Project was to point the public anywhere but to Planet X, which was very evident for those with eyes to see.
ZetaTalk Comment 2/1/2007: How does the establishment broach the subject? They are catatonic on the subject because they know the taxpayer will demand the same protections and support that the elite will be providing for themselves. If the elite are going into well stocked bunkers, and know what is about to occur, why not the taxpayer? Since there won't be enough supplies, enough food, to go around, the common man is to be told they are on their own, but in the meantime, pay their taxes so the bunkers can continue to be stocked! The establishment wants the common man at their jobs, keeping the wheels of society going. Martial law will not solve this problem, as society will grind to a halt. Those who have been living in a democracy do not tolerate a matter like martial law for more than a few days, before rebellion and resistance break out. So how to satisfy those participating in the cover-up who are insisting that the common man must be warned? Can't point to a passing planet, Planet X, as the culprit, as people will start looking to the skies and discover a Second Sun next to Sol and that the Moon's orbit is awry and the constellations often not where expected. So invent something abstract like a Galactic Gravitational Pull, something that cannot be proven or disproved, something merely a theory, but put forth by prestigious men. And by all means, even if you plagiarize the ZetaTalk description of what will be coming soon, never, never mention ZetaTalk!
The next such distraction was Project Camelot, which ascribed the threat to the Sun, per the Zetas a disinformation approach long favored by NASA. Project Camalot provided interviews and gave credence to individual associated with or cooperative with the US military and NASA - Sergeant Major Robert Dean, former MJ12 member Dan Burisch, NASA-blame-the-Sun claimant Mitch Battros, and CIA remote viewer claimant Major Ed Dames. Project Camelot primarily blamed the Sun, which has disappointed those planing to blame the Sun by being unusually quiescent lately.
Project Camelot
Everything we do here on Planet Earth is dependent on or linked to the sun. If the sun starts misbehaving, then none of us can escape the effects. Project Camelot was contacted in mid-2007 by a world-class scientist whose name would be recognized by many readers, contracted to the US government and operating under a Top Secret clearance. He was able to tell us that one of the problems facing us in the next few years ("starting in 2009") would be a CME (Corona Mass Ejection)
Per the Zetas, both Project Camelot and the Horizon Project to test the public's gullibility.
ZetaTalk Comment 1/5/2008: There is a strong similarity between this revelation, Project Camelot, and the Horizon Project that emerged this past year. Both seem to have credible authors or advocates. Both speak to a time of tumultuous change for the Earth in the near future. Both stress 2012 as though this were a date certain, when as we have explained it is based on a guess as to how to line up the Gregorian and Mayan calendars. The 2012 date is not the end of the Mayan calendar, which actually ends before 2012. Was the Horizon Project correct as to the cause of the coming cataclysms? No. This received great publicity on Coast-to-Coast late night talk radio and elsewhere and then died, never taking off as a popular theory because it was just that - theory. Our explanations, given less media attention lately, were still scooping the Internet and thus getting the real press, worldwide.
Planet X makes sense, intuitively, as the reason for pole shifts, for crust shifts, for the Ice Ages and wandering poles. This is in addition to the fact that the establishment fears that soon the Planet X complex will become visible in the skies. This has caused them to seek another advocate for the 2012 date. Why is 2012 being emphasized so often? Because it is far enough out that the populace will not quit their jobs or desert their mortgages because of the warnings. If they see signs in the skies or begin to understand that a passage of Planet X is due, they will hesitate to disrupt their lifestyles too soon, hesitate to drop the comfort of their current life. Thus, the establishment can dash to their bunkers when the time comes, leaving the common man stunned that it all happened before 2012. In short, they do not want your messy panic. They do not want you blocking the roadways with your messy panic when they want a clear run to their bunkers!
The 2007 attempts to control public perceptions on what is causing the current Earth changes was a History Channel documentary. In early 2007 the History Channel released a documentary on 2012 that avoided the possibility of a passing planet, aka Planet X, but explored other causes for the world to be ending in 2012. This was featured in Issue 26 of this newsletter. The one piece of truth they included in this documentary was the new geography as painted by ZetaTalk, which they lifted without giving any credit to the ZetaTalk website. Since none of these efforts to discuss the current Earth changes and pending dangers in anything but the Planet X or passing planet possibility failed to convince the public, the tack has recently changed. Another missing piece was any discussion on how the common man can survive such a catastrophe.
ZetaTalk Comment 9/13/2008: Those fronts trying to take the spotlight from ZetaTalk originally sought to simply pronosticate, often stealing directly from ZetaTalk in doing so. When this failed to gain them the popularity that ZetaTalk enjoys, they tried to insert the sense that they want to "help" people, thus preparedness. Since they are not administered by truly Service-to-Other people, and their goal is to disinform, they are missing key ingredients in ZetaTalk that the public senses. Thus, once again, they will fail!
Now we have the 2009 retry. A passing planet is the cause of disaster, and there will be no escape for mankind. Doom. Although the movie 2012 allows a small group of people to escape Earth into another dimension. Just no escape for the masses. 2012 is a movie that has the Earth destroyed by a passing planet, but allowing a handful of survivors to escape into a parallel universe to Earth's double. Once again, there is no survival except for the elite who have special knowledge. Due to be released on November 13, 2009.
2012 (Columbia Pictures)
This apocalyptic sci-fi thriller following an academic researcher who opens a portal into a parallel universe, making contact with his double in an effort to prevent the catastrophic prophecies of the ancient Mayan calendar from coming to pass. According to the Mayan calendar, the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012. When a global cataclysm thrusts the world into chaos, divorced writer and father Jackson Curtis uses his knowledge of the ancient prophecies to ensure that the human race is not completely wiped out.
Another 2009 movie, due to be released in the Fall of 2009, is Seeking Closure. Here the world ends exactly on December 21, 2012 with only three hours warning. A red planet destroys the Earth, no hope for anyone.
2012: Seeking Closure
It's December 21, 2012. The President of the United States has just gone on the air to inform the world that in three hours time, the world will end, and there is nothing he can do about it. And then he and all the world leaders walk away and leave the people to fend for themselves. What would you do? Based on a story by Tom Townsend, and soon to become a motion picture from Inner Glow Pictures, 2012: Seeking Closure is the story of a world gone mad in a time of chaos, of disaster and destruction and people desperate to seek closure while the society goes mad.
Is this progress? We could point people to the actual presence near the Sun, and the many survival techniques that people can use to help themselves. But then the public might panic, and this is not yet going to be allowed to happen. Go to work, pay your taxes, don't riot, allow the elite to escape to their bunkers, and be resigned that you all will die. That's today's message from the establishment.

Моніторинг земних змін
Тут зібрані з різних джерел повідомлення і факти, які свідчать про те, що на Землі відбуваються значні геологічні і кліматичні зміни, і про настання в найближчі роки Зсуву Полюсів в зв'язку з черговим наближенням Планети X, Нібіру. (згідно з http://www.zetatalk.com/)
Короткі повідомлення зібрані тут походять з мас-медіа, теле і радіо новин, Інтернету, etc.
Earth Changes Monitoring
Facts gathered here from various sources indicate that major geological and climate changes are happening on Earth, which herald a Pole Shift in near future due to rearrival of Planet X aka Nibiru. (according to http://www.zetatalk.com/)
Short notes collected here come from mass media, television and radio news, Internet, etc.
Тут зібрані з різних джерел повідомлення і факти, які свідчать про те, що на Землі відбуваються значні геологічні і кліматичні зміни, і про настання в найближчі роки Зсуву Полюсів в зв'язку з черговим наближенням Планети X, Нібіру. (згідно з http://www.zetatalk.com/)
Короткі повідомлення зібрані тут походять з мас-медіа, теле і радіо новин, Інтернету, etc.
Earth Changes Monitoring
Facts gathered here from various sources indicate that major geological and climate changes are happening on Earth, which herald a Pole Shift in near future due to rearrival of Planet X aka Nibiru. (according to http://www.zetatalk.com/)
Short notes collected here come from mass media, television and radio news, Internet, etc.
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